NASA’s CURIE mission is dedicated to investigating the source of solar radio waves using a novel kind of space-based radio interferometry. The NASA mission is expected to deploy […]
Eternal Day and Night: Webb Space Telescope Explores Peculiar Atmosphere of Faraway Exoplanet
Although terminator near-infrared spectral analysis confirms differences in morning and evening atmosphere.Since the date of discovery of the very first exoplanet in 1992, many thousands of planets orbiting […]
Unusual Avian-like Actions in Atoms, where Scientists have Revealed Novel Magnetic Characteristics in Quantum Systems
A new route to creating order in quantum systems could be useful in developing quantum technology. Researchers at the University of Tokyo, Kazuaki Takasan and Kyogo Kawaguchi, along […]
Unveiling the Enigma of the Genetic Mystery between Dingoes and Dogs.
Research on ancient dingo DNA reveals the deep genetic roots and historical migration patterns of dingoes in Australia, dating back over 3000 years. DNA from fossilized dingo remains […]
The Time-Bending Crystal
Scientists have developed an incredibly exotic state of matter. Its atoms are a hundred times wider than usual. A 2012 proposal by Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek, time crystals […]
Arctic Fears: Is the Reality an Accelerated Ice Melting?
A study believes it has shown how Arctic Sea Ice has determined winter temperatures in recent decades in East Asia. Dr Shengping He at the University of Bergen.According […]
Scientists Find Better Way to Develop Vaccines
Finally, a research team comprising German researchers has developed a highly sophisticated system of portraying epitopes on mammalian cells for studies related to immunization. This could be a […]
Scientists Solve Mystery of Europe’s First Farmers Disappearance 5,000 years ago
Bones and teeth from the bodies of Stone Age people have indicated that the plague led to a decline in populations. Recent research shows the earlier suppositions were […]
Revealing Cosmic Chemistry: Uncovering Surprising Exoplanetary Discoveries
Astronomers working with the James Webb Space Telescope have discovered that HD 189733 b, an exoplanet known for extreme weather, also hosts hydrogen sulfide gas in its atmosphere, […]
Groundbreaking Research Uncovers Important Opportunity for Treatment of Alzheimer’s
Research on nonhuman primates has contributed an important step forward in understanding Alzheimer’s disease and possible treatment strategies. A study by researchers at the University of California, Davis, […]